Grime Eez Graffiti Wipes

Grime Eez Graffiti Wipes are the ultimate portable wipe for removing paint and graffiti from flat non-porous surfaces.

These require no additional liquids as the unique patented powerful alcohol based cleaning solution. Unlike traditional methods of graffiti removal, GrimeEez Graffiti formula dissolves graffiti rather than burns. Can be used in well ventilated enclosed environments more safely without the need to close areas off.

150 Wipes per tub.



Grime Eez Graffiti Wipes are the ultimate portable wipe for removing paint and graffiti from flat non-porous surfaces.

These require no additional liquids as the unique patented powerful alcohol based cleaning solution. Unlike traditional methods of graffiti removal, GrimeEez Graffiti formula dissolves graffiti rather than burns. Can be used in well ventilated enclosed environments more safely without the need to close areas off.

150 Wipes per tub.